So Close!

October has been a month of encouraging losses. First, this rejection letter from the Winning Writers essay contest: “Dear Patricia, Before we announce our contest results to the public on October 15, I wanted to let you know that “Luminous Things” advanced to a late stage of judging, placing you among the top 5% of …

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Very pleased to announce that I’ve been awarded a residency at PLAYA for next fall. I’ll be with a cohort of artists and scientists thinking about the environment, climate, the natural world. SO EXCITED!

When a Child Has a Life Threatening Illness

Below is the outline for a course I teach on Parenting Children with Life Threatening Illness. I offer an adaptation of this course as a 90 minute parent education talk.   When a Child has a Life Threatening Illness The Shock of Diagnosis Parents can become depressed. Parents can be thrust into grief. Parents can …

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When To Hold a Child Back in School

When To Hold a Child Back in School QUESTION: Our child’s preschool teachers suggest we consider keeping our almost five year old in preschool one more year. He’s very bright, and makes friends easily. He knows his letters and numbers, can pick out words in books we read to him regularly. His teachers say he …

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